游戏设计(三年 / 全日制)学费:新币66,000 这是目前世界上发展最快的行业。挑战游戏设计,可以让你具有超乎想象和更加精彩的游戏人生。This course concentrates almost entirely on the artistic side of game creation.这个课程几乎全部集中在游戏的艺术创作方面。You will play and analyse games, work out why some are successful and some not.你将融入游戏设计的各环节,You will learn to create stories and integrate these into game play.You will also learn how to design, create and rig 3D characters.学习如何设计和制造立体造像;You will learn about level design, how to model, texture and light scenes and props.了解各种质地、场景、道具等等设计要求;Though not a technical course, you will learn how to work within the production pipeline with people like programmers.学会创造特别的内容融入你的博弈。